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Virtual representation of outside and inside locations for virtual and augmented reality tours, reservations and safety processes is affordable and attainable.

Get more information about how our services can increase interaction and get qualified leads , reservations and increased traffic for your business or resort attraction,  select "make contact" from the menu above and we will call you.

how can ai services be used?

AI (Artificial Intelligence)


The term "artificial intelligence" is used to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".

  • floor plans (schools... etc)
  • tourist resorts
  • hotel and lodge layouts
  • car dealership - inventory
  • event centers
  • restaurants
  • museums
  • concert halls
  • coffee shops
  • industrial safety
  • retail
  • city - arts and recreational development.
... most other businesses
 how IS "AI" DIFFERENT from VIDEO? â€‹
Video can be enhanced with AI - Chat Agents and interactive Chat Boxes, if desired. The key is to provide visual and auditory stimulation for your site visitors - and interaction wherever possible.
With 3D scanning we have the ability to add "data points" or information billboards and links to any scan. For example: highlighting the type of granite used in the counters when we do a custom home.
The downside to ONLY video is that it has to be reproduced every time your business or promotional focus changes - this gets very expensive.
AI tools have become more widely available as Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri have exploded in popularity and capability. Now we can quickly, and with lower cost, modify a "chat script" or a 3D scan for far less money than we could even 3 years ago.
This means your digital media can now be current and can evolve as your business grows and changes. Your restaurant or event reservations system is now easily maintained simply by changing the script the Chat Agent presents to the site visitor.
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